Five Ways to Create Your Best Nest For Fall on a Budget

Fall Scent Collection

Hello and Happy Fall, Ya'all! 

I know, I know, that phrase is SO overdone. But it is so fun!! For those of us who savor every windy, chilly, sun-flower filled, pumpkin-crazed day of Autumn, there are simply not enough superlatives to describe the joys of this season. Do you agree? Are you on team Fall? Yay!!  (It's OK if you are not, we still love ya!)

My name is Laura and my husband and I are proprietors of The Artique Gallery, featuring artisan soy candles that we hand-pour here in the beautiful Laurel Highlands of PA. We are also avid supporters of the Arts and dabble in collecting, buying and selling art and vintage jewelry. What a joy!  But it's making the candles that adds an amazing layer of enjoyment to our Fall obsession. 

Who doesn't feel the urge to nest when the temperature starts to drop, the days get shorter and the leaves begin to fall? I don't know about you, but this is when I make my Taste of Home Heartwarming Chili with homemade bread bowls, experiment with apple recipes and drizzle caramel on everything. 

And this is when the candle burning season begins! Oh, yes!! There is nothing like the welcoming scent of an Autumn Leaves or a Pumpkin Spice candle to make your nest feel like an autumn oasis. And this is just the beginning, clean burning soy candles fill our home with amazing fragrance straight through fall, all the way to Christmas, then get us through the last few never-ending months of winter. 

Even if you are finding your budget tighter than usual, you can still find affordable ways to fill your home with decorative fall goodness. Here's my Top Five Fall Decorating on a Budget Hacks:

1) Look to nature for free decor. Even if you don't grow them yourself, if you can get yourself to a natural area, you can find acorns, pine cones, dried hydrangeas, sunflowers, and many other beautiful decor items provided by Mother Nature, depending on your geographic region. 

2) Seek out a farm to purchase your pumpkins, gourds, corn stalks and hay bales (or grow them yourself!),  If you can buy directly from a farmer instead of from a commercial retailer, you will save a ton of money and you will be helping the farmer directly, 

3) Upcycle or recycle baskets and old decor. Two words: spray paint! Choose the gorgeous pastel fall shades that are hot right now and your outdated orange decorations and brown baskets will be transformed into updated and stylish fall centerpieces for your dinner and coffee table.  

4) Shop the thrift stores, for treasures from decorative ribbon to outdoor displays. 

5. Flex your creative muscles with DIY Fall Wreaths. Creating something special for your home will not only lower your stress level, it can be a fun family activity and boost your mood and self confidence. Try something new! 

We are so excited to share our heart-warming fall fragrances with you, especially this year.  We wish all of you a happy October and a Fabulous Fall! Let us know if you tried any of our suggestions, or add your own suggestions in the comments.

Live well!!

Peace, love and soy,



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